BIBD (Middle East) Limited
In February 2017, BIBD Brunei established a presence in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) via its wholly owned subsidiary, BIBD (Middle East) Limited (BIBDME). BIBDME is an entity regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) since June 2017.
The DFSA has granted BIBDME with a Category 4 License to conduct Islamic Financial Business as an Islamic Financial Institution, which activities include:
(1) Arranging Deals in Investments;
(2) Advising on Financial Products; and,
(3) Arranging and Advising on Financing.

Amilin Sabirin Omar
Interim Senior Executive Officer

Eny Nabilah Abdullah
Relationship Manager
Contact Details
ICD Brookfield Place, Level 30, Unit 30-03
Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)
P.O. Box 507067
United Arab Emirates
T: +971 4398 0481
F: +971 4398 0384