BIBD ALAF Students and Families celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) hosted the annual BIBD ALAF Hari Raya celebration today. This event is aimed at enlivening the spirit of Hari Raya Aidilfitri for BIBD ALAF students and their families as well as other relevant stakeholders. The joyous occasion is also intended to foster closer relations between BIBD and the ALAF students and their families, celebrating the spirit of family and togetherness and sharing in the festive atmosphere. 

The event, which took place at the PGGMB Building in Bandar Seri Begawan, was attended by 276 ALAF students and their families, senior government officers from the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) and the Ministry of Education (MOE), BIBD Senior Management, BIBD ALAF Taskforce consisting of members from MOE’s Department of Schools and MORA’s Department of Islamic Studies and other relevant stakeholders. 

Present as the special guest for the event was Yang Mulia Pengiran Dato Seri Paduka Haji Mohammad Tashim bin Pengiran Haji Hassan, Acting Minister of Religious Affairs. 

“We are delighted to support this annual event, which celebrates the joy and harmony of Hari Raya Aidilfitri with BIBD ALAF students and their families,” said BIBD’s Managing Director and CEO, Awang Junaidi bin Haji Masri. ” As a key strategic partner to relevant BIBD ALAF stakeholders, BIBD continues to prioritise matters related to educational development and empowerment, community well-being, and giving back to the community. We are committed to promoting education and community development, and we believe that this celebration is an excellent opportunity to reinforce these values.” 

BIBD ALAF students and their families also received goodie bags sponsored by McDonald’s Brunei. 

BIBD ALAF is a testament to BIBD’s ongoing efforts to support the educational development and empowerment of the younger generation of Bruneians through the program. BIBD ALAF provides financial assistance, mentorship, and training to underprivileged students in Brunei Darussalam, helping them to pursue their dreams and build a brighter future. The program is one of the Bank’s many community-building efforts and is part of BIBD’s commitment to upholding the Maqasid al Shariah and support toward achieving Brunei Vision 2035. BIBD ALAF is also one of the ways in which the Bank works closely with government stalkeholders to contribute toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG), specifically Goal 1 (No Poverty) and Goal 4 (Quality Education). 

BIBD ALAF is BIBD’s flagship CSR program that provides financial assistance, educational support and guidance to underprivileged students to help them pursue their academic goals. The program has helped over 300 students since its inception in 2013 and has become a beacon of hope for many families in Brunei. 

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