Resource Centre

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- General
- Accounts
- Cards
- Financing
- Digital Banking
How can I check if my salary has been credited into my account?
You can check from:
- Log on to BIBD NEXGEN Online, go to 'Account Services', and then select 'Transaction History Enquiry'.
- View through ATM, and go to other services and select 'Mini Statement'.
- Contact our Call Centre at +673 2238181 and speak to any one of our Customer Service Representative.
- Update your passbook to check your balance.
When can I expect to receive my pay?
For government employees, pay day typically falls on either the 27th or 28th of the month. Any variation will be determined by the government's treasury department.
For non-government employees, please check with your employer or human resource department on this matter.
When will my pension be paid out?
Payment of pension falls on the same date as the government employees pay day.
When will the overtime pay be paid out?
Overtime payment will be credited accordingly upon receiving vouchers or cheques from the government.
What is the minimum amount to be maintained in my savings account?
A requirement minimum balance of B$50 has to be maintained in the savings account.
Why are there always changes to BIBD Tariffs?
The changes in our schedule of tariffs are due to our progressive upgrades in our system and service to help serve our loyal customers better.
I have lodged a complaint. Who can I call to get updates on my complaint?
To obtain updates, please contact the relevant staff whom you have reported your complaint to. Alternatively, you may send an email to our Customer Resolution Unit at customer.resolution@bibd.com.bn or call our Call Centre at +673 2238181Â and our customer service representative will assist to follow up on your complaint.
Where else can I update my passbook, apart from doing so at the branch counters?
Currently the updating of passbooks can only be done at our branch counters.
What is the difference between Debit Card and Credit Card?
Credit Card is a financing facility, which allows you to make purchases or cash withdrawals up to the maximum credit limit granted. Debit Card allows you to make purchases or withdrawals based on the amount of funds available in your account.
How can I become a member of Perdana Banking?
To be eligible for membership, you will need to make a minimum Investments or deposit of BND 100,000.00 with us. A membership card will be issued for your service convenience.
To learn more, you can drop us a message here with your contact details. Our Perdana Relationship Manager will get in touch with you shortly.
What are the privileges and benefits of being a Perdana member?
For the privileges and benefits of Perdana member, please click here with your contact details. Our Perdana Relationship Manager will get in touch with you shortly.
Where can I learn more about your investment account / savings account rates?
You can proceed to our Online Rates to find out more.
How do I find out whether my Debit Card / Credit Card are ready for collection?
Please contact our Call Centre at +673 2238181 and speak to any one of our Customer Service Representative.
How do I contact At-Tamwil with regards to my deduction?
You can visit or contact them at:
Please visit your nearest At-Tamwil Branch or contact them through telephone.
Head Office:
Unit 1, Bangunan Ibu Pejabat
Persekutan Pengakap
Jln Gadong BE4119
Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tel 2453328/9 2453331/4
Fax 2424644, 2453330
KB Branch:
Unit 12, Block B, Bangunan MJJR
Jalan Jaya Negara, Kg Pandan
Kuala Belait KA 1189
Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tel 3337733
Fax 3337732
I’m not a Bruneian citizen or Permanent Resident. I wish to open a BIBD savings account that comes with a debit card. Am I able to do so?
Yes, you need to provide a valid original Green Identity Card issued in Brunei Darussalam, original passport with valid pass/permit, proof of employment (i.e. letter of employment and recent 3 months salary slip) and proof of address (i.e. valid driving license issued in Brunei Darussalam, recent 3 months utility bills or bank statements) in order to open an account with us. Please feel free to drop by your nearest BIBD branches, where our personal banker will assist you with your account opening application.
Why is my account being hold?
Please contact us at +673 2238181 or visit any of our branches, so that we can help to investigate this further.
Will I be able to check the balances of savings or current accounts owned by my family members or relatives?
To safeguard our customers’ interests, we maintain a very strict privacy policy. As such, such information is confidential and we are unable to reveal them to any third parties.
Click here to view FAQs on BIBD vCard
What is secure online code?
Secure online code is a free card protection service we provide in association with MasterCard Worldwide. Secure online code provides you with added protection against unauthorised use of your BIBD Credit or Debit card when shopping online with participating merchants. With secure online code:
- You know your personal information and card details are safe.
- We know for sure that it is you using your card to make purchases online.
How does secure online code protect me?
Every time you make an online purchase with a participating merchant, a screen will automatically appear asking you to enter your one-time passcode. BIBD will send this unique passcode to your mobile phone registered with BIBD via SMS. You will need to enter this one-time passcode to confirm your identity. So even if someone knows your card number, they will not be able to do anything as they would need the passcode which is only made known to you.
How do I shop using the secure online code?
The first time you make an online purchase with a participating merchant, a secure online code screen will appear. You will have the option to select your preferred language. For each time you make an online purchase, BIBD will send a one-time passcode to your mobile phone via SMS. This passcode is unique and can only be used once. You will need to enter this one-time passcode in the secure online code screen in order to complete your online purchase. When you correctly enter your passcode, BIBD will confirm that you are the authorised cardholder and authenticate your purchase. If an incorrect passcode is entered, your purchase will be declined as your identity can not be verified.
Do I need to register for the secure online code service?
All BIBD cardholders with a valid mobile number will automatically be registered for the secure online code service. For those Cardholders who have changed their mobile phone numbers or may have excluded such information on their application forms, we will not able to offer you this service unless you provide us with your current mobile phone number. Unless and until you do so, you will not be able to conduct online purchases if the merchant with whom you intend to transact with is a participating secure online code merchant.
How do I know if an online merchant is participating in this secure online code service?
Participating merchants will display either the MasterCard® SecureCode logo on their website.
How do I check or change my mobile number?
Cardholders can verify on the secure online code screen the last 4 digits of their mobile phone number and the country dialing code. If your mobile number is incorrect, you will not receive the SMS text message containing your one-time passcode so you will not be able to benefit from this service. It is very important that BIBD has your correct mobile number at all times. If you change your mobile number, please call our BIBD Call Centre at 673 2238181 to inform them of the new details.
What happens if I do not receive the one-time passcode?
If this happens, please contact our BIBD Call Centre at +673 2238181.
Do I need to remember my one-time passcodes?
No. For every online purchase that you make, BIBD will send a unique one-time passcode to your mobile phone. Once your online purchase has been successfully completed, please delete the passcode text message immediately.
Does the one-time passcode expire?
Yes. You have approximately 5 minutes to enter your one-time passcode before it expires. The time restriction is in accordance with some participating merchant’s websites. See below on how to get a new one-time passcode.
I have accidentally deleted my one-time passcode, what should I do?
To resend your one-time passcode to your mobile phone, please click on the resend one-time passcode button on the secure online code screen. You can use this functionality once only. After that, you would need to re-start the on-line purchasing process again.
My mobile number is correct but I cannot access the BIBD text message that contains my one-time passcode, what can I do?
There may be times when your mobile phone is not in your possession or there may be a problem with the reception. In these circumstances, you can resend your one-time passcode to your mobile phone at a later time. If this is not convenient and you need to complete the purchase immediately you can cancel the secure online code service. Simply click the cancel button on the payment details screen and the screen should return to the merchant’s website. Alternatively, please contact BIBD Call Centre at +673 2238181.
What if I make an error when I enter my one-time passcode into the merchant’s website?
Don’t worry. Simply enter your one-time passcode again. Please note that after three attempts you will be returned to the merchant’s website.
What happens when my card is replaced?
BIBD will automatically update your profile with your new card number. You will be able to continue to use the secure online code service in the same manner.
Do I have to use the secure online code service?
Secure online code is a free card protection service that we offer to all our Credit and Debit cardholders. We strongly recommend that all our cardholders use this service as it offers you additional security when making any online purchases. You have the option to bypass the secure online code service by clicking on the cancel button. By using this functionality you will return to the merchant’s website and can proceed with your purchase using another form of payment.
Will I incur any charges for the secure online code service?
BIBD is offering this service for free. However, some mobile phone providers may charge for SMS to be received. For more information please speak to your mobile phone provider directly.
Does BIBD share my personal details with the online merchant or anyone else?
BIBD does not share your personal information or your one-time passcode with the merchant. We do, however, need to share your details with MasterCard International Inc, to facilitate the secure online code service.
What are the system requirements to be able to use the secure online code service?
Secure online code works with most browsers. However, you should disable any software that prevents pop-up windows as this will interfere with your use of the secure online code service. You should also be sure that Java Script is enabled; if it isn’t the secure online code service may not work properly. If you have any difficulty, please contact BIBD Call Centre at +673 2238181.
Can I use secure online code from any computer?
Yes, there’s no special software to install, so you can shop from any computer and still receive the added protection provided by the secure online code service.
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
For more information or assistance please contact BIBD Call Centre at +673 2238181.
What is the BIBD Debit MasterCard?
- It is an innovative product that allows you to pay, access and enjoy the convenience of an ATM card combined with the acceptability of MasterCard internationally.
- As it is ‘smarter than cash’, the BIBD Debit MasterCard allows you to pay anything directly from your bank account at over 25 Million outlets worldwide, even online!
What is a Debit Card?
A Debit Card works like a cheque, only better. When you make purchases, the amount is deducted directly from your checking account. But you also get to enjoy added convenience and security protection.
- Debit Card is a signature-based deposit account access product that serves as a replacement for cheque and cash.
- No personal identification number (PIN) is required at the point of sale and similar to a credit card, Debit Card can also be used for card-not-present transactions such as Internet purchases.
The Debit Card can also be used to withdraw cash at any of more than 1 Million ATMs that display the MasterCard and Cirrus logos.
Who can apply for the BIBD Debit Card?
- All existing and new Current Account and Savings Account holders;
- Any individual aged fifteen (15) and above
How to apply for the BIBD Debit Card?
- At any of our BIBD Branches;
- Existing BIBD Account holders may convert their existing BIBD ATM card to BIBD Debit Card by completing the application form and submitting it to any of our branches;
- New customers may open a BIBD Current or Savings account and will be offered a BIBD Debit Card.
How is my BIBD Debit Card linked to my Current or Savings account?
- When you apply for the BIBD Debit Card, you will need to indicate which Account you intend to link the card to;
- Transactions made using your BIBD Debit Card will be deducted from your selected account.
Where can I use my BIBD Debit Card?
- At over 25 million outlets that accept MasterCard in Brunei and worldwide;
- At over 1 million ATMs worldwide that carry the MasterCard or Cirrus logo to withdraw cash.
What other benefits do I get from the BIBD Debit Card?
- Peace of Mind: You do not have to carry too much cash around with you as payment can be made using your BIBD Debit Card at the point of purchase;
- Debt free: All purchases transacted using Debit Card will be deducted directly from your bank account, hence no bills at the end of the month;
- It is accepted at over 25 million outlets worldwide – even online;
- You can access cash from your account at over 1 million ATMs worldwide;
- The best travel companion: You do not have to worry about foreign exchange or having different currencies when travelling, as the BIBD Debit Card offers you competitive foreign exchange rates.
Is there any spending limit imposed?
The spending limit will depend on your available account balance, with daily usage limits as below:
TRANSACTION | BIBD Customers(per day) | BIBD Perdana World Banking (per day) |
Cash withdrawal via ATM | Max of BND 3,000.00 or Max of 5 transactions. | Max of BND 4,000.00 or Max of 5 transactions. |
Purchases made at OUTLETS (Point of Sale) | Max of BND 3,000.00 or Max of 10 transactions | Max of BND 4,000.00 or Max of 10 transactions. |
Online transactions via INTERNET | Max of BND 3,000.00 or Max of 10 transactions. | Max of BND 3,000.00 or Max of 10 transactions. |
Limits above are subject to change anytime at BIBD’s discretion;
Requests for limit increase are currently unavailable.
What are the fees and charges for BIBD Debit Card?
- Please refer to tariff & charges for the BIBD Debit Card enclosed with the Debit Card Welcome Pack; or
- For enquires, please do not hesitate to contact BIBD Call Centre at +673 2238181, visit www.bibd.com.bn or any of our branches.
How long after I apply will I receive my BIBD Debit Card?
- Your BIBD Debit Card will be ready within seven (7) working days;
- You can opt to collect your card at any of our BIBD branches or you can have your card mailed to your home address.
Can Joint Account holders sign-up for the BIBD Debit Card?
- This will depend on the type of joint account opened by customers;
- There are two types of Joint Accounts:
Joint Account | A | B |
Description | Any ONE of joint holders signatory accepted | ALL joint holders signatories are required |
Can sign-up? | Yes | No |
Joint account “B” may sign-up for BIBD Debit Card by opening a new joint account under “A” instead.
Can I use my BIBD Debit Card immediately upon receiving it?
- New cards collected at BIBD branches will be activated instantly;
- For cards sent by mail you will be required to contact BIBD Call Centre at +673 2238181 for activation;
- Your BIBD Debit Card can only be used once it has been activated.
What should I do if my card is lost or stolen?
- Notify BIBD Call Centre 24/7 at +673 2238181 immediately to block or deactivate your card;
- Lodge a police report at the nearest police station and submit the report to any of our BIBD branches together with a replacement request for your lost or stolen card;
- A new BIBD Debit Card and PIN Number will be issued to you within seven (7) working days;
- A card replacement fee of BND 15.00 will be charged to your BIBD Current or Savings account, or any accounts linked to your BIBD Debit Card.
What do I do if I forget my BIBD Debit Card PIN?
- Kindly surrender your card to any of our BIBD branches;
- A new card and PIN number will be reissued to you within seven (7) working days.
What if my account has insufficient balance during the annual fee deduction process?
- In this situation, usage of your BIBD Debit Card will be restricted until the annual fee has been deducted or paid.
Can I apply for BIBD Debit Card at any BIBD branch?
- Yes, application for a BIBD Debit Card can be made at all BIBD branches regardless of where your Current or Savings Accounts are being maintained;
- Simply fill in the BIBD Debit Card application form and the receiving branch will take care of the rest for you;
- You will be required to present your Identity Card for verification purposes when you collect your card.
Given that the BIBD Debit Card is Shariah Complaint, are there any restrictions in transactions?
- The BIBD Debit Card can be used to withdraw cash at more than 1 million ATMs worldwide and is accepted at more than 25 million outlets worldwide, even online;
- However, due to its unique Shariah Compliant facility, BIBD may decline transactions that appear to be in conflict with Shariah precepts (for example at liquor stores and gambling sites.)
Can I apply for the Master Debit Card online?
Currently, our online application is not yet available. To apply, please visit any of our branches with your identity card / passport and Bank Passbook.
When and where is my Master Debit Card is ready for collection?
You may contact our Customer Service Representative at +673 2238181 to check the status of your Master Debit Card application and where to collect your card.
What are the application criteria for a Master Debit Card?
To apply for our Master Debit Card, you must have either a Savings or Current account with BIBD, and you should be at least 18 years old.
I am going overseas. What are the charges for cash withdrawal using my Master Debit Card?
For overseas withdrawal (ATM) there will be a 2% mark up on the amount withdrawn and the amount is then converted to the currency of your choice, based on the prevailing BIBD Foreign Exchange rates. In addition, there will be a fixed withdrawal fee of BND 6.00 per withdrawal.
Will I be able to use the card for online transactions, like MasterCard or Visa?
Our Master Debit card can be used for online transactions. The amount will be debited directly from your account.
I have wrongly entered my PIN and now I cannot use my Master Debit Card. How do I request for a new PIN and how long will it take?
To request for a new PIN, please visit any of our branches, and present your original identity card or passport. For re-issuance of a new PIN number, the fee will be BND 15, and will take about 3 to 7 working days to process.
If you do remember your PIN and would like to re-set your PIN number, we can help to re-set your PIN immediately.
I own a Debit Card and it’s linked to both of my savings and current account. If I purchase anything online or swipe my card at a shop, which account will it debit the payment from? Can I select my current account for purchases via my debit card, such that it will not deduct from my savings account?
When you apply for our Master Debit Card, you will be required to select a Primary Account. The Primary Account is where all transactions will take place (Online, Terminal & Withdrawals – unless specified). This will leave your Secondary Accounts untouched.
To check which account is set as your Primary Account, kindly contact us at +673 2238181 or visit our branches. Please present your original identity card or passport for verification. If you would like to re-assign your primary account, we can help you put up a request.
How do I check my debit card transactions / statements via Internet Banking?
To check your Master Debit Card Transactions, you may log on to BIBD Online.
To register for Internet Banking, you may visit any of our branches to register, and we can issue you with a token immediately. You may also wish to update your passbook at our branches to view your transactions. Alternatively, you may visit any of our ATMs to have a ‘Mini Statement’ printed out (this will be limited transactions only).
What is a Credit Card?
A Credit Card is a payment Card that authorizes the holder to make purchases on credit up to a specified limit.
What is BIBD Credit Card?
BIBD Credit Card is a Shariah Compliant payment Card and an ideal partner when you travel and shop. Accepted at over 36 million merchants and 2.3 million ATM worldwide wherever the MasterCard, Cirrus, Visa and Plus logos are displayed and with it, you can enjoy discounts and exclusive offers from a variety of merchants.
What Credit Card does BIBD offer?
BIBD currently offers the following Credit Cards for you to choose from that best suit you:-
- BIBD MasterCard Classic;
- BIBD MasterCard Gold;
- BIBD World MasterCard (for PERDANA clients only);
- BIBD Visa Gold; and
- BIBD Visa Platinum;
Who can apply for BIBD Credit Card?
To apply for BIBD Credit Card, you must either have your salary assigned to BIBD or place a Term Deposit and/or BIBD Aspirasi as collateral. The principal cardholder must be 21 years old and above, and supplementary cardholder must be 18 years old and above.
How do I apply for BIBD Credit Card?
Complete the application form and submit together with the required documents to any BIBD Branch or call +673 2238181 to set up an appointment to seek one of our Personal Banker.
What benefits do I get from BIBD Credit Card?
BIBD Credit Card offers the following benefits:
- Rewards and Loyalty.
- Convenience.
- Protection.
- Discount and Great Deals.
- Lifestyle.
What is Visa payWav/MasterCard contactless and how do I use it?
Visa payWave/MasterCard contactless is a contactless payment technology that lets you pay faster with your BIBD Credit Card for purchases under B$100. The technology built into your Card allows you to pay instantly, just by waving/tapping your Card over a secure contactless terminal in stores. There is no need to enter your PIN, swipe your Card, sign or fumble for cash.
Is Visa payWave/MasterCard contactless technology secure?
The contactless platform is based on secure EMV chip technology, which provides both data protection and transaction security via the use of keys and the latest encryption technology. The contactless Feature transaction are processed through the same, reliable payment networks as EMV chip transactions.
Is there a limit to the amount I can charge under Visa payWave/MasterCard contactless?
For purchases of B$100 and below, just wave/tap your Card and no signature is required. For purchases exceeding B$100, you will have to sign for the purchase.
Can I knowingly make a purchase if I walk past the reader?
No, Visa payWave/MasterCard contactless is designed to ensure that the Cardmember is always in control. The retailer must have first entered the purchase amount for approval and your Card has to be held in a very close proximity to the card reader (within 4cm) in order for a transaction to take place. In addition, terminals can only process one payment at a time.
Are there any fees and charges for the BIBD Credit Card?
Yes, please refer to the Bank’s Tariff of Fees and Charges which is available at any of our branches and published on our website.
When will I receive my BIBD Credit Card?
Your BIBD Credit Card will be ready within seven (7) working days. You can opt to have your BIBD Credit Card delivered to your designated address or collect it personally from your preferred BIBD Branch.
Can I use my BIBD Credit Card immediately upon receiving it?
Your BIBD Credit Card can only be used once it has been activated. You can activate your Card by calling BIBD Contact Centre at +673 2238181.
What should I do if my Card is lost or stolen?
In the event that your Card is lost or stolen, it is essential that you follow the following steps:
In country:
- Notify BIBD Contact Centre at +673 2238181 immediately to block or deactivate your Card.
- If you choose to deactivate and cancel your Card, the replacement Card will be issued to you within seven (7) working days.
- Card replacement fee will be charged to your BIBD account as per Bank’s Tariff of Fees and Charges.
Out of country:
- Notify BIBD Contact Centre at +673 2238181 or MasterCard*/Visa’s toll-free number attached together with your User Guide to immediately block or deactivate your Card.
- If required, you can request for an Emergency Card Replacement and/or Emergency Cash Disbursement.
- Assist the agents in providing the accurate information to assist them to proceed with your request. Upon approval, you will be given an estimated date, time and location for you to receive the emergency services requested.
- Card replacement fee and/or cash advance fee will be charged to your BIBD account as per Bank’s Tariff of Fees and Charges.
*For BIBD World MasterCard Credit Card only.
What can I do if I forget my BIBD Credit Card PIN?
Simply call our BIBD Contact Centre at +673 2238181 to reset your PIN.
What happens if I do not collect my BIBD Credit Card after being notified?
Your BIBD Credit Card must be collected within thirty (30) days from the date of notification. Following which, your BIBD Credit Card will be disposed. Should you request for your BIBD Credit Card to be re-issued, you will have to pay the prescribed Fee.
How can I check the balance and usage of my BIBD Credit Card?
You may call our BIBD Contact Centre at +673 2238181 to check the balance and usage on your BIBD Credit Card. Alternatively, you can also check through BIBD Online where you can register for e-Statements and download your statements. Another method is through BIBD Mobile app where you can assess your accounts via smartphone or tablets.
My BIBD Credit Card is due to expire / has expired. How do I proceed to renew my Card?
Your BIBD Credit Card will be renewed automatically one (1) month before expiry and you will be contacted once it is ready for collection. However, for certain cases, renewal may subject to Bank’s review. Should you need more assistance or information, refer to our Personal Banker who will be able to assist you with your renewal.
I would like to increase the credit limit of my BIBD Credit Card. How can I do this?
To increase the credit limit for your BIBD Credit Card, visit any of our BIBD Branches to fill up a form and attach your latest salary slip together for our review. Please take note that your request shall be subject to our assessment and approval.
I already have a MasterCard Credit Card with BIBD. Can I apply for BIBD Visa Credit Card while maintaining the existing Credit Card?
Yes. You have the option to retain your existing Credit Card and also apply for a new BIBD Visa Credit Card. Please take note that your request shall be subject to our assessment and approval.
I have an existing BIBD MasterCard Credit Card and would like to upgrade it to BIBD Visa Credit Card. Is it possible for me to do so?
Currently BIBD cannot accommodate such request. We would suggest that you maintain your existing Credit Card and apply for a new BIBD Visa Credit Card. In maintaining both your existing and new Credit Cards, you enjoy the benefits and privileges afforded by both.
I have two (2) types of Credit Card and have received two (2) statements. I noticed that my Rewards Points is the same in both statement. What does this mean?
The Rewards Points or Hadiah Points in your Credit Card statement reflects the total number of points which you have earned from the use of all your Cards including your Debit Cards. As such all your Card statement will reflect the same amount of Rewards Points or Hadiah Points.
In order to find out your Hadiah Points for Credit Card and Debit Card separately, you can go to BIBD Online or BIBD Mobile app and click Hadiah Points.
Is my BIBD Credit Card covered with Takaful?
Yes, depending on the BIBD Credit Card hold, upon condition that you purchase items and/or buy flight tickets with the amount fully charged to your BIBD Credit Card, you may be covered to one of the following:
- Travel Personal Accident; and/or
- Musafir Takaful that covers trip cancellation, trip delay, trip curtailment, baggage delay, loss of baggage and repatriation; and/or
- Purchase Protection to cover your loss or damage to your purchase items locally and abroad.
What should I do if I want to file a Takaful claim on my BIBD Credit Card?
BIBD will not attend to any takaful-related claims. Please direct any or all queries to Takaful Brunei Am Sdn. Bhd. located at:
2nd Floor, Unit 9 & 10,
Simpang 493, Kampong Beribi,
Jalan Gadong BE1118,
Brunei Darussalam.
Telephone: +673 2451803.
Fax: +673 2456684.
Given that my BIBD Credit Card is Shariah Compliant, are there any restrictions in transactions?
Your BIBD Credit Card is accepted at more than 36 million outlets worldwide including online transactions. Being a truly Shariah compliant requirement, transactions which appear to be in conflict with Shariah principles such as transactions at liquor stores and gambling sites will be declined.
Please be informed that from the Shariah perspective, Muslims are not encourage to purchase any gold or silver using their BIBD Credit Cards as such items are deemed usury commodity items which should not be transacted using such medium. This is solely to avoid Muslim cardholder from transacting with usury or ‘riba’.
We are a registered company without an account with BIBD. Are we able to apply for a Fleet Card?
To apply for a fleet card, it is not necessary for your company to open an account with us. Please provide us with an approval from approving authority and we require your company to place a term deposit account as collateral.
How do I check the outstanding balance of my financing balance?
You can check by:
- Log on to BIBD Online, go to ‘Account Services’, and then select ‘Account Summary’
- Contact our Call Centre at +673 2238181 and speak to any one of our Customer Service Representative.
- Visit any of our branches and speak to any of our Personal Bankers.
How can I get updates of my financing application? How would I know if it has been approved? Whom should I contact?
To find out more about your financing application status, we strongly recommend you to contact our Personal Bankers whom have served you.
If you are unable to contact your personal banker, please feel free to drop us a message here or contact our Customer Service Representative at +673 2238181.
My application for financing has been approved. When can I expect to receive the disbursed funds?
Please contact our Call Centre at +673 2238181 and speak to any one of our Customer Service Representative or visit any of our branches.
How do I check when my financing is maturing?
You can check by:
- Log on to BIBD Online, go to ‘Account Services’, and then select ‘Account Summary’
- Contact our Call Centre at +673 2238181 and speak to any one of our Customer Service Representative.
- Visit any of our branches and speak to any of our Personal Bankers.
There is an over-debit of my financing repayment. Why is this so?
Please contact our Call Centre at +673 2238181 and speak to any one of our Customer Service Representative or visit any of our branches, so that we can check with the relevant departments on your behalf.
I noticed there is a difference in the amount being deducted for my recent financing payment. Why is there a difference compared to previous payments?
Please contact our Call Centre at +673 2238181 and speak to any one of our Customer Service Representative.
Is it possible to reschedule my existing financing?
Please visit any of our branches and speak to any of our Personal Bankers.
To learn more, please drop us a message here or contact us at +673 2238181, so that we can refer you to a Personal Banker who can address your queries.
Currently, my salary is assigned to another bank with an existing financing facility. How do I assign my salary and transfer the existing financing facility to BIBD?
For new assignment of salary to BIBD, you will need to open an Account with us. To apply any financing facility, please visit our nearest branch and speak to any of our Personal Bankers.
Alternatively you can contact our Call Centre at +673 2238181 and speak to any one of our Customer Service Representative.
Can I settle my credit card bills and other debts?
Please drop us a message here or contact our Call Centre at +673 2238181 and speak to any one of our Customer Service Representative.
What are the types of Home Financing products available at BIBD?
The types of Home Financings available are as follows:
- BIBD Rumah Plus (Musyarakah Mutanaqisah).
- Home Purchase: for the purchase of a ready completed property or second-hand home.
- Mortgage/Refinancing: for the purpose of obtaining cash through mortgage of existing home.
- Shop-House Purchase: for the purchase of completed shop-houses.
- Home Financing (Bai Bithaman Ajil).
- Home Construction: for the construction of a new home.
- Home Purchase: for the purchase of a proposed property from property agents or developer.
- Land Purchase: for the purchase of land for home construction/investment purposes.
- Refinance vacant land: helps you pay-off all your financings and avail the option of a financing with a lower profit rate.
What is BIBD Rumah Plus for?
At the moment, BIBD Rumah Plus is only for completed/ready-made properties and also mortgage of your existing property.
Who is eligible to apply for the Home Financing and BIBD Rumah Plus?
It is eligible for applicants with the criteria as follows:
- Brunei Citizen / Permanent Residents
- Aged 18 and above
- Employed with the Government, semi-government sector or private sector that is recognized by the Bank.
How is the Home Financing/BIBD Rumah Plus eligibility determined?
The Home Financing eligibility is determined by customer’s repayment capability, taking into consideration a combination of factors such as:
- Income
- Age (min 18 years old)
- Occupation
- Remaining employment period
- Existing financing obligations
- Open Market Value (OMV) of Property
What is the maximum amount customers can apply for?
The maximum amount of financing is $1,000,000.00* (subject to T&C). The maximum amount that they can apply depends on factors such as:
- The open market value of the property. They may be offered financing amount of up to 95% of the market value of the property.
- Their fixed monthly income.
- Their remaining employment period.
- The purpose of the financing.
What security/collateral do customers have to provide?
Customers have to transfer their salaries to BIBD and the property security documents will also be assigned to the Bank.
Can a home financing be applied by 2 individuals or more (joint financing)?
Yes, a home financing can be jointly applied by 2 individuals or more. All the co-applicants shall be proposed as co-owners of the property. Usually, co-applicants are: husband/wife, father/son, mother/daughter etc.
When can a customer apply for Home Financing?
Customers can apply for Home Financing at anytime. They may apply for it after they have decided to purchase/construct a property, or even when construction of the property has not commenced.
How do customers apply for Home Financing?
They will need to submit the completed application form along with the necessary documents*. The bank will review it after going through the application. They may be asked to provide additional information or documentations where necessary. The bank will also informally tell them the financing amount they are entitled for. *Refer: Required Documentations
Does customer’s salary have to be assigned to BIBD to apply for Home Financing?
Customer’s salary does not necessarily have to be assigned to BIBD during the application stage. The bank can still process their home financing application provided that the bank can take over all their outstanding obligations with their current bank. However, disbursements of the home financing will only be implemented after their salary has been transferred to BIBD.
Can I apply for home financing for the purpose of renovating/expanding my existing house?
This depends on the scale of the house renovation/expansion. Normally home improvement financing is offered for such purpose. However, there are some instances whereby home financing is offered for a large-scale house expansion.
Can I include the costs of furniture and household appliances in my home financing?
No, unfortunately you cannot. However, the costs of furniture and household appliances can be financed using household financing from our subsidiary BIBD At-Tamwil Bhd.
What are the documents required at the time of application?
Stage 1: At the application stage
Basic Documents:
- Identification Card
- Latest Salary Slip
For House Purchase:
- Letter of Intent from vendor/developer
- House Plan and/or Land Title
Stage 2: Upon signing of financing agreement
For House Purchase:
- Sales & Purchase Agreement between vendor/developer and buyer
- Full Valuation Report
What are the charges other than interest that are levied by Home Financing applicants?
Your home financing application will involve the services of 3 external parties: the valuer, lawyer and Takaful Provider. Their services are rendered for the preparation of the following documents:
- Valuer: Full valuation report of the property.
- Lawyer: Power of Attorney, Memorandum of Charge, Sale & Purchase Agreement.
- Takaful Provider: Mortgage Redemption Term Assurance (MRTA) and Fire Insurance.
There will be charges imposed by the respective parties on the services rendered. These charges can be included into your home financing.
For house purchase, how much do I have to pay the developer as down-payment and is it refundable?
Most developers would ask for down-payment in order to secure booking of the house and they are non-refundable unless the home financing is not approved by the bank. How much they charged for down-payment varies from one developer to another and usually ranges from $1K-$10K.
What are the fees and charges for the Home Financing?
The Bank charges a fixed processing fee of $350.00. This amount can be included into your Home Financing.
Does the Bank offer any subsidies on Home Financing?
Yes, the Bank offers subsidy depending on your entitlements and/or package chosen at point of Home Financing application.
Subsidy Coverage includes (in order of payment):
- Legal Documentation Fees
- Valuation Fees; and
- MRTA with Takaful Provider
What is the maximum payment period for home financing?
The maximum tenor for home financing for all customers is 25 years or the remaining period of their employment service (whichever is lower). However in the case of BIBD Rumah Plus, it can stretch up to 30 years for young professional segments*.
What is the monthly payment?
Monthly payment refers to the fixed amount that you will be paying to the bank every month. It comprises of both profit and principal repayment. The monthly payment depends on the amount of financing, profit rate applicable and the term of the financing.
When do I start paying for the monthly payment on my Home Financing?
You will only start paying your monthly payments on the month after your home financing is disbursed. E.g. if your home financing is disbursed in September, your monthly repayment will commence in October.
How is the financing amount disbursed?
The financing amount can be disbursed in full or in installments through progressive claims as stated on the payment schedule of the sales & purchase agreement.
Can I settle-off my financing ahead of schedule?
Yes, you can settle-off your financing ahead of schedule. However, an early settlement fee will be charged for any financing amount settled earlier than maturity date. Please refer to *Banks Schedule of Tariffs.
What are the rates for Home Financing?
Please proceed to our Online Rates or contact our Call Centre at 2238181 and speak to any one of our Customer Service Representative.
I just applied for Home Financing. How long will I need to wait before I can get the disbursement of funds?
Since each application is unique, the disbursement of funds is subject to full submission of required documentations and clearance from relevant authorities.
To learn more, please drop us a message here or contact us at 2238181, so that we can refer you to a Personal Banker who can address your queries.
What is Education Financing?
Click here for FAQs about Education Financing.
Click here for FAQs about Personal Financing.
Click here for FAQs about Consolidation Financing Scheme
Click here for FAQs about Home Improvement Financing.
What are the application criteria for corporate financing facilities?
To apply for corporate financing facilities, the following criteria needs to be fulfilled:
- Your company must be a registered or incorporated in Negara Brunei Darussalam either in the form of sole proprietorship, partnership or private limited.
- Your business should be Shariah-compliant.
To find out more, please feel free to contact us here with your business contact details, and our Corporate Banking consultant will get in touch with you shortly.
How do I access NEXGEN Online?
You can access BIBD NEXGEN Online easily through the main Home page of this website via the Login button on the top-right of the page.
Kindly refer to the instructions on your activation email and with your token to log into your NEXGEN Online account. If you encounter any problems, please contact us at +673 2238181Â for more assistance. Alternatively you may visit our branch to log in using our Internet Kiosk, where our Personal Bankers can assist you at the same time.
What should I do if my NEXGEN Online Registration fails?
Please contact our Call Centre at +673 2238181.
Our Call Centre Service will require you to provide your Identity Card no. for them to proceed for investigation and assist you.
I accidentally deleted the email containing my PIN / I forgot my PIN for NEXGEN Online. How do I request for a re-issue of my NEXGEN Online Registration PIN?
Please contact our Call Centre at +673 2238181.
Our Call Centre Service will require you to provide your Identity Card no. for them to lodge to E-Banking Department and you can expect a call from Call Centre within the next 2 to 3 working days.
What are the charges for doing a fund transfer from BIBD to another bank using NEXGEN Online?
For transfer of funds to banks within and outside of Brunei Darussalam, there will be a bank charge of BND 10 and a stamp duty of BND 0.10.
For transfer of funds to another BIBD bank account, there are no charges.
I am currently overseas and I have a BIBD account. How can I apply for NEXGEN Online?
As you are currently overseas, kindly send us an email to our e-Banking Centre (ebanking@bibd.com.bn) with your Full Name, IC Number, ATM/Debit Card Number, complete overseas mailing address and your contact number. Kindly ensure that your information is as accurate as possible. Your token will be sent by courier upon the confirmation of your address.
If you need more information or assistance, do feel free to contact our Call Centre at +673 223 8181.
Will I be able to do overseas fund transfers to any bank account using NEXGEN Online? What are the charges like?
Yes, you are able to perform overseas fund transfers using your NEXGEN Online. There will be a bank charge of BND 10 and a stamp duty of BND 0.10 for fund transfers to banks outside of Brunei Darussalam.
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BIBD NEXGEN Wallet – Device Binding FAQ
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