
Assets For Sale

BIBD is pleased to offer the following vessel and foreclosed properties for sale through public tender. Financing for these assets may be arranged, subject to prevailing Financing Terms and Conditions.


Exclusion Clauses:

Any members of the public who are interested in bidding for the properties are advised to read the following: 

  • All the properties advertised in the Bank’s website are foreclosed properties i.e. properties for which the Bank has obtained Court Orders for sale by way of public auction.  
  • Members of the public who are interested to bid for the properties are advised to follow the process below:
  1. Prospective bidders should only submit their tenders after the properties have been advertised in the Borneo Bulletin;
  2. All the properties are subject to terms and conditions of tender which the bidders can obtain from the respective law firms whose details are stated in the advertised notices of sale for properties;
  3. The information and particulars provided including the pictures are obtained from the Bank’s appointed panel of valuers;
  4. BIBD does not warrant the accuracy and correctness in respect of the particulars of the properties and therefore shall not be held liable for any statement given or any information furnished by BIBD relating to the properties;
  5. Prospective bidders are strongly advised to inspect the properties and carry out their own verification or seek independent professional advice to establish the accuracy and correctness of the particulars and information provided by BIBD on the properties;
  6. BIBD may at its absolute discretion remove the listing of the properties and shall not be held liable to any party as a result of such removal.  


Interested parties may contact:

Direct Line: 2269563, 2269643, 2269565, 2269616, 2269728, 2269569 & 2269539

Whatsapp (Text Only): 7408180


Properties for Sale by Public Tender. Please click the PDF icon for further details.



Vessel for Sale by Public Tender. Please click the PDF icon for further details.



Vacant Land for Sale by Public Tender. Please click the PDF icon for further details.



Apartments for Sale by Public Tender. Please click the PDF icon for further details.



Shophouses for Sale by Public Tender. Please click the PDF icon for further details.



Residential Houses for Sale by Public Tender. Please click the PDF icon for further details.

Interested parties may contact:

Direct Line: 2269563, 2269643, 2269565, 2269616, 2269728, 2269569 & 2269539

Whatsapp (Text Only): 7408180


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